Breeding lofts
My personal breeding loft.
Single Pens or open loft breeding is the first thing you must decide on. Make sure the loft has good ventilation and the birds are kept dry. They must also be kept out of the draft.
Open breeding lofts or singles breeding cages is the first thing you must decide on first.
Open lofts are a lot easier to maintain, clean, feed, water and so on.
You can’t guaranty that the birds breed in open lofts are from the mated pair.
Single breeding pens take more time and are a lot more work.
The single cage breeding set up is the only way you can guaranty the off spring are correct.
My loft is 12′ X 6′ and has 2 sets of the Crown 8 Compartment Breeding Pens in it.
You can build a 4’ X 8’ loft with room for some hens & cocks on each end if you used 1 set of the Crown 8 Compartment Breeding Boxes.
To build nesting boxes, time & material, those Crown Breeding Pens can’t be beat.
Roller pigeon kit boxes.
Kit Boxes should hold 20 birds
The kit box should be set up to hold 20 birds. It should not be deep so that you can reach in to pick up the bird you want to get. . Make sure the kit box has good ventilation and the birds are kept dry. They must also be kept out of the draft.
The size should be 4 feet wide, 4 feet tall and no more then 30 inches deep.
48” wide, 48” tall & 30” deep
The floor should bee made of 1” square wire so all the dropping fall through.
Some people like to have the kit box closed with no wire side or front to see out. They say it makes the birds kit better or tighter.
My Kit boxes are 12 feet long for a set of 3 kit boxes, so a set of 2 kit boxes would come out to be 8’ long. I have seen a nice set of 3 kit boxes that were b feet long. Hope this gives you a couple good ideas.