SGVS Show 2017

The SGVS Super show is being moved to Oscars house.Sunday July 16th 2017     12th annual SGVS super ShowOscar Peregrina's house1515 S. Fern ave. Ontario Ca. 91762Bird registration 8:00 to 10:30 am      Old Cock, Yo…

The SGVS Super show is being moved to Oscars house.

Sunday July 16th 2017     12th annual SGVS super Show

Oscar Peregrina's house

1515 S. Fern ave. Ontario Ca. 91762

Bird registration 8:00 to 10:30 am      Old Cock, Young Cock, Old Hen, Young Hen & Muff class

Grand Champion $100.00 and Tropheys

Super Raffle, 2 Kit boxes and more




Posted on August 12, 2014 and filed under SGVS, Pigeons.